DeviceHive GPIO component

GPIO component will allow you to communicate with equipment through physical PINs.

Device Profiles

As GPIO pinout is different on every device/board and there is no way to enumerate available pins programatically. So gpio daemon uses PIN mapping for each device. Mappings are located in profiles folder. Each profile is mapped to the name returned by /sys/firmware/devicetree/base/model on the current system.


To start GPIO component run the following command:

daemon/gpio-daemon /path/to/profile/yaml

Interface com.devicehive.gpio.GpioService

Bus Name: com.devicehive.gpio Path: /com/devicehive/gpio


list() - returns list of available gpio pins

add(pin, port) - Register pin to expose a physical port

rm(pin) - Unregister exposed pin

clear() - Unregister all exposed pins

add_profile(pin_port_pairs) - Register multiple pins


<!DOCTYPE node PUBLIC "-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Object Introspection 1.0//EN"
<node name="/com/devicehive/gpio">
  <interface name="com.devicehive.gpio.GpioService">
    <method name="clear">
    <method name="list">
      <arg direction="out" type="as" />
    <method name="add_profile">
      <arg direction="in"  type="a{ss}" name="pins" />
    <method name="add">
      <arg direction="in"  type="s" name="pin" />
      <arg direction="in"  type="s" name="port" />
    <method name="remove">
      <arg direction="in"  type="v" name="pin" />
      <arg direction="in"  type="v" name="in_signature" />
  <interface name="org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager">
    <method name="GetManagedObjects">
      <arg direction="out" type="a{oa{sa{sv}}}" />
    <signal name="InterfacesRemoved">
      <arg type="o" name="object_path" />
      <arg type="a{sa{sv}}" name="interfaces_and_properties" />
    <signal name="InterfacesAdded">
      <arg type="o" name="object_path" />
      <arg type="a{sa{sv}}" name="interfaces_and_properties" />
  <interface name="org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable">
    <method name="Introspect">
      <arg direction="out" type="s" />
  <interface name="org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties">
    <method name="GetAll">
      <arg direction="in"  type="s" name="interface" />
      <arg direction="out" type="a{sv}" />
    <method name="Set">
      <arg direction="in"  type="s" name="interface" />
      <arg direction="in"  type="s" name="prop" />
      <arg direction="in"  type="v" name="value" />
    <signal name="PropertiesChanged">
      <arg type="s" name="interface" />
      <arg type="a{sv}" name="values" />
      <arg type="as" name="unchanged" />
    <method name="Get">
      <arg direction="in"  type="s" name="interface" />
      <arg direction="in"  type="s" name="prop" />
      <arg direction="out" type="v" />

Interface com.devicehive.gpio.GpioPin

Bus Name: com.devicehive.gpio Path: /com/devicehive/gpio/{PIN}


init(mode) - initialize pin. For digital pins mode can be out for output, in for input, rising or falling or both for input with enabled notifications analog pins recieve period in miliseconds as mode. It sends notifications with analog value every choosen period of time.

deinit() - deinitialize pin and free all resource

set_value(value) - set pin state, where value is ether 0 or 1

set() - set pin state to 1

clear() - set pin state to 0

get() - read pin state or value for analog inputs

toggle() - toggle pin state from 0 to 1 or from 1 to 0


<!DOCTYPE node PUBLIC "-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Object Introspection 1.0//EN"
<node name="/com/devicehive/gpio/1">
  <interface name="org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable">
    <method name="Introspect">
      <arg direction="out" type="s" />
  <interface name="com.devicehive.gpio.GpioPin">
    <method name="deinit">
    <method name="get">
      <arg direction="out" type="s" />
    <method name="set">
    <method name="set_value">
      <arg direction="in"  type="s" name="value" />
    <method name="clear">
    <signal name="pin_value_changed">
      <arg type="s" name="pin" />
      <arg type="v" name="value" />
    <method name="init">
      <arg direction="in"  type="s" name="mode" />
    <method name="toggle">