DeviceHive AllJoyn API
AllJoyn is a system that allows devices to communicate with other devices around them. A simple example would be a motion sensor letting a light bulb know no one is in the room it is lighting, so it can shut itself off.
The system uses the Client–server model to organize itself. For example a light could be a "producer" (server) and a switch a "consumer" (client).
Each "producer" on the network has an XML file called introspection that is used to advertise the devices ability's and what it can be asked to do.
Microsoft has added a technology called Device System Bridge that allows devices using home or building protocols such as Z-Wave and BACnet to appear on an AllJoyn network.
The system also has technology for audio streaming to multiple device sinks in a synchronized way.
Quick Start official tutorial
Here goes official guide how to start with AllJoyn devices.
Doesn't it look like a bit complicated? We also agreed with that, so we are happy to present a bit more convenient way to describe AllJoyn devices. With DeviceHive IoT Toolkit :)
AllJoyn with DeviceHive example
Our mail goal was to simplify AllJoyn device declaration. So, actually we provide interface which describes AllJoyn in declarative way:
class Lamp:
def __init__(self, mac, name):
self.Version = 1
self.mac = mac = name
self.status = 'DISCOVERED'
self.LampServiceVersion = 1
self.LampFaults = []
self.energyUsage_mW = 15
self.brigthnessLumen = 100
self.deviceId = "d7d65f4fbf4ec4c4f1e44da8fe7ca0bc" #8e01a0b4233145c8e35921fdf41dd3bc";
self.OnOff = False
def connect(self):
self.status = 'CONNECTED'
self._dbus = LampService(self.mac)
self._config = ConfigService(self.mac, "DeviceHiveVB")
self._controlpanel = ControlPanelService(self.mac)
print("Calling alljoyn bridge")
# expose to alljoyn
bridge = dbus.Interface(bus.get_object(DBUS_BRIDGE_NAME, DBUS_BRIDGE_PATH), dbus_interface='com.devicehive.alljoyn.bridge')
bridge.AddService(self._dbus.m_service_path, self._dbus.m_service_name, ALLJOYN_LIGHT_PATH, ALLJOYN_LIGHT_NAME, INTROSPECT)
bridge.AddService(self._config.m_service_path, self._config.m_service_name, ALLJOYN_CONFIG_PATH, ALLJOYN_CONFIG_NAME, CONFIG_INTROSPECT)
print("%s exposed to Alljoyn" % self.mac)
except Exception as err:
def turnOnOff(self, state):
self.OnOff = state
if state:
print("***LAMP NOW IS ON***")
print("***LAMP NOW IS OFF***")
def destroy(self):
if self.status == 'CONNECTED':
So, we described device class and all what we need to expose this device to AllJoyn network - is to define required services - LampService, ConfigService, AboutService.
Example shows how to define them.
If you would like to build your own AllJoyn connected up with our AllJoyn bridge running, you should create an instance of an AllJoyn bridge object:
bridge = dbus.Interface(bus.get_object(DBUS_BRIDGE_NAME, DBUS_BRIDGE_PATH), dbus_interface='com.devicehive.alljoyn.bridge')
Define services you would like to expose:
bridge.AddService(self._dbus.m_service_path, self._dbus.m_service_name, ALLJOYN_LIGHT_PATH, ALLJOYN_LIGHT_NAME, INTROSPECT)
And start the service, which would essentially bridge AllJoyn messages to your client application:
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