Subscribes to device commands. After subscription is completed, the server will start to send command/insert messages to the connected user.
Access JSON Web Token (GetDeviceCommand)
Request Topic and Payload
Payload Representation
"action": {string},
"requestId": {object},
"timestamp": {datetime},
"deviceId": {string},
"networkIds": {array},
"deviceTypeIds": {array},
"returnUpdatedCommands": {boolean},
"names": {array}
"limit": {integer}
Payload Parameters
Property Name | Required | Type | Description |
action | Yes | string | Action name: command/subscribe |
requestId | No | object | Request unique identifier, will be passed back in the response message. |
timestamp | No | datetime | UTC datetime (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS ISO 8601) of the last received command. If not specified, the server's timestamp is taken instead. |
deviceId | No | string | A unique device identifier to subscribe to. If not specified, the subscription is made to all accessible devices. |
networkIds | No | array | Array of network unique identifiers to subscribe to. |
deviceTypeIds | No | array | Array of device type unique identifiers to subscribe to. |
returnUpdatedCommands | No | boolean | Checks if updated commands should be returned. If not specified, default value is false. |
names | No | array | Array of command names to subscribe to. |
limit | No | object | Limits the number of commands for a subscription. |
Response Topic and Payload
Payload Representation
"action": {string},
"status": {string},
"requestId": {object},
"subscriptionId": {long}
Payload Parameters
Property Name | Type | Description |
action | string | Action name: command/subscribe |
status | string | Operation execution status (success or error). |
requestId | object | Request unique identifier as specified in the request message. |
subscriptionId | long | A unique identifier of the subscription made. |
Updated over 6 years ago