
Get list of user subscriptions.


Access JSON Web Token (GetDeviceCommand or GetDeviceNotification)

Request Topic and Payload



Payload Representation

    "action": {string},
    "requestId": {object},
    "type": {string}

Payload Parameters

Property NameRequiredTypeDescription
actionYesstringAction name: subscription/list
requestIdNoobjectRequest unique identifier, will be passed back in the response message.
typeNostringType of returned subscriptions, possible values: 'command' or 'notification'.

Response Topic and Payload



Payload Representation

    "action": {string},
    "status": {string},
    "requestId": {object},
    "subscriptions": [{
        "subscriptionId": {integer},
        "type": {string},
        "deviceId": {string},
        "networkIds": {array},
        "deviceTypeIds": {array},
        "names": {array},
        "timestamp": {datetime}

Payload Parameters

Property NameTypeDescription
actionstringAction name: subscription/list
statusstringOperation execution status (success or error).
requestIdobjectRequest unique identifier as specified in the request message.
subscriptionsarrayJSON with information about user subscriptions.
subscriptions.subscriptionIdintegerSubscription unique identifier.
subscriptions.typestringType of subscription, possible values: 'command' or 'notification'.
subscriptions.deviceIdstringSubscription unique device identifier. 'Null' means subscription to all available devices.
subscriptions.networkIdsarrayList of subscribed unique network identifiers. 'Null' means subscription to all available networks.
subscriptions.deviceTypeIdsarrayList of subscribed unique device type identifiers. 'Null' means subscription to all available networks.
subscriptions.namesarrayList of subscribed names. 'Null' means subscription to all available notification/command names.
subscriptions.timestampdatetimeSubscription starting timestamp (UTC).