Registers new plugin.


HTTP Request

POST /plugin/register


Parameter NameRequiredTypeDescription
deviceIdsNostringComma-separated list of device ids for subscription. If not specified the devices available to current user.
networkIdsNostringComma-separated list of network ids for subscription. If not specified the networks available to current user.
namesNostringComma-separated list of command/notification names for subscription.
timestampNodatetimeUTC datetime (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS ISO 8601) of the last received / last updated (if returnUpdatedCommands selected) command. If not specified, the server's datetime is taken instead.
returnCommandsNobooleanChecks if subscription should return commands. If not specified, default value is true.
returnUpdatedCommandsNobooleanChecks if subscription should return updated commands. If not specified, default value is false.
returnNotificationsNobooleanChecks if subscription should return notifications. If not specified, default value is false.


Access JSON Web Token (ManagePlugin)

Request Body

In the request body, supply a Plugin resource.

Property NameRequiredTypeDescription
nameYesstringPlugin name
descriptionYesstringPlugin description
parametersNoobjectJson object with parameters


If successful, this method returns the following resource in the response body.

  "accessToken": {string},
  "refreshToken": {string},
  "proxyEndpoint": {string}


Property NameTypeDescription
accessTokenstringPlugin access token to connect to ws-kafka-proxy with permissions to plugin topic
refreshTokenstringPlugin refresh token to connect to ws-kafka-proxy with permissions to plugin topic
proxyEndpointstringEndpoint to connect to ws-kafka-proxy