
Updates an existing user.

Only administrators are allowed to update any property of any user. User-level accounts can only change their own password and data fields.


HTTP Request

PUT /user/current


Access JSON Web Token (UpdateCurrentUser)

Request Body

In the request body, supply a User resource.

Property NameRequiredTypeDescription
loginNostringUser login using during authentication.
roleNointegerUser role. Available values:
0: Administrator role
1: Client role
statusNointegerUser status. Available values:
0: The user is active
1: The user has been locked out due to invalid login attempts
* 2: The user has been disabled
passwordNostringUser new password
dataNoobjectUser data, a JSON object with an arbitrary structure.
introReviewedNobooleanIndicates if user reviewed an intro.


If successful, this method returns an empty response body.